32 weeks -- size of a jicama
I have officially started my 8th month of pregnancy! I'm on the home-stretch now! Less than 8 weeks to go!
Fortunately, my results from my 3 hour glucose test came back negative, so I do not have gestational diabetes! What a relief! I can continue to enjoy sweets and carbs and I do not have to prick myself! All of which is fantastic news!
I have been very much enjoying having time off. I initially felt overwhelmed with the amount of free time that I had, but now I am settling in to a more lazy routine. I have been feeling really well recently and have been lucky to be plagued by very few pregnancy symptoms. However, my fatigue that had gone on a hiatus during my second trimester is now back. Thankfully, I no longer have to work, so I can welcome with open arms nap time! Other than fatigue, I have been continuing to experience an uncomfortable rash on my upper thighs and on my knees. I don't think that I have mentioned this before, but I have had it for a couple of months. I plan on asking the doctor about it on Friday. I heard that this is common due to hormonal changes, but there still is some concern that it could be something more serious. In addition to fatigue and my rash, I have had extremely swollen feet and fingers (the extreme heat is definitely not helping!) My wedding rings have had to take a leave of absence and for the first time, I couldn't fit my feet into one of my pairs of shoes! My feet were simply too swollen to get in them! hahaha, I am becoming a blob!! As a result, I've made a better effort lately to take time to put my feet up and have seen that it truly makes a difference in my sausage toes. Lastly, my weirdest pregnancy symptom is my tongue... I just recently developed geographic tongue! There's no harm in it, but my tongue just looks all splotchy and funny! I won't be making any funny faces with my tongue sticking out any time soon! Geographic tongue is another consequence of hormonal changes. I read that like most of my symptoms, it will disappear after pregnancy when my hormone levels return to normal.
Our home is still slowly coming together. We continue to be extremely busy and try to fit in what we can. It is looking pretty good, but still needs some fine-tuning :) We are hoping to finish up the last details in the next couple of weeks, but I am really happy with our progress. We love living here and can't wait for Venna to arrive and make it even more complete.
My baby shower is this coming Sunday. I am really looking forward to it! It is going to be wonderful to celebrate Ravenna's impending arrival with friends and family. Venna has been movin' and groovin' in anticipation!
Recently, on the 6th of July, Don and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! Look how far we have come in just one short year!
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